- Fabio Gonçalves Martins
- 20 years old
- Currently living in Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Involved in meaningful software projects since 2017
Diplomas, schilarity, experiences, main developed skills
Email and social media
Timeline of professional projects
Under development
Situation: Graduated in December of 2020
Situation: Concluded in December of 2017
Developed a backend system for +30 insurace products sold in Marisa APP, viewed by 1.7M daily active users.
Designed and developed the SaaS from scratch, with 10+ features to help track personal and family transacions and define income sources and expense budgets.
Developed an internal full-stack project to migrate features and batch processes from legacy systems, saving up to US$ 15.000 each month of cloud costs.
Started the develpment of event-driven system to fire emails and push notifications for up to 100k active users.